By Organization

Event Management Solutions for Event Planning Firms

CE Zoom’s cutting-edge event management software is here to elevate your event planning experience. We’ve redefined event management with an all-inclusive system boasting 12 components to customize your event experience and effortlessly handle multiple events simultaneously. Our event management software for event planning firms ensures seamless execution and unparalleled client satisfaction.

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It

Discover the impact of CE Zoom’s event management software for event planning firms from the experiences of those who have used it to transform their events.

“We had a huge gap and huge hole because we could not offer any CE. What CE Zoom has done for us is help automate that process. It’s helped us to be able to give CE certificates for the meetings that we have, and it’s also allowed us to track our providers. When we have nearly 50 providers that we are responsible for and making sure everybody has what they need so that they’re in compliance with our state, CE Zoom has taken a huge weight off of our shoulders and has made it really really easy for us.”

Josalyn SewellCOO - Carolinas Dentist

Events Have Many Moving Parts. Multiple Events? Even Harder

Organizing a single event is a meticulous process with countless details, from venue and logistics to participant engagement. Now, imagine managing these across multiple events simultaneously. The complexity multiplies, and event planners can easily become overwhelmed by all the moving pieces without event management software.

Manage Multiple Events From One Place

Enter a new era of event management with CE Zoom. Tackling the complexities of organizing multiple events has never been easier. Our event management software for event planning firms acts as your centralized command center, offering an array of features designed to ensure every detail is not just managed but mastered.

Key Solutions:


Unified Dashboard

CE Zoom provides a singular, intuitive dashboard where all aspects of your events are consolidated — including venues, timelines, registration, and more.

Online Registration and Engagement

Simplify attendee registration and engage with attendees with the platform’s user-friendly registration system. You can also create a mobile app for your event to provide a convenient experience for participants and save time.

Expense Tracker

Track your finances with our integrated expense tracker, allowing you to monitor and manage even-related expenses effortlessly.

These are just the beginning. CE Zoom’s event management software for event managers offers comprehensive features to meet all your event management needs.

Stress-Free Events and Delighted Clients, Every Time

Experience the transformation of event planning with CE Zoom. Our event management software for event planning firms ensures a stress-free, meticulously organized event, allowing you to focus on what matters most — creating a memorable experience. By streamlining workflows and centralizing every aspect of your event, CE Zoom enhances efficiency and guarantees a delightful experience for your attendees.

Brands Using Our Event Management Software

Unlocking stress-free events and leaving clients satisfied isn’t just a promise; it’s a track record for CE Zoom. Numerous brands have benefited from our event management software, experiencing the efficiency and organization that redefine event planning success firsthand.

As the go-to choice for companies aiming to elevate their events, CE Zoom’s impact is a testament from the brands that have redefined success through perfectly executed events with our platform.

Customizable Solutions for Your Unique Needs

Our event management software is designed specifically to meet the needs of event management companies. We know that event planning firms have unique needs, which is why CE Zoom offers customizable solutions. Whether you’re managing large-scale conferences or intimate gatherings, our software adapts to your workflow.

Security Is Our Priority

We prioritize the security of your sensitive event data. CE Zoom employs robust security measures to protect your information, addressing any concerns you may have about the safety of your client and event data. As pioneers in automated compliance and auditing tools for State and Licensing Bodies, we bring the same level of innovation to event management, making us the ideal choice for those who demand excellence.

Cost-Effective Resource Allocation

CE Zoom’s event management software prevents waste and ensures optimal allocation of resources. By minimizing unnecessary expenses and maximizing the utility of your resources, our software contributes directly to cost savings so you can operate more efficiently and profitably.

CEZoom Solutions

Our commitment to providing comprehensive solutions ensures that our platform is equipped to elevate your event planning experience regardless of the need and situation.

By Role

CE Zoom caters to the diverse needs of every role within your event planning team. From event coordinators managing logistics to marketing professionals promoting the event, our platform provides role-specific tools.

By Event Type

Whether you are organizing conferences, seminars, trade shows, or social events, CE Zoom adapts to the unique demands of various event types.

By Event Format

CE Zoom understands that events come in virtual, hybrid, or in-person formats. Our event management software is ideal for event planning firms, as it is flexible and responsive to the nuances of each format.

By Organizations

CE Zoom is designed to align with the structure and goals of your organization. Whether you are a small event planning firm or a large-scale enterprise, our platform scales to meet your needs.

CEZoom Features

From managing exhibitors to optimizing advertising, sponsorship, and production, our platform is a toolbox tailored to enhance every aspect of your events.


Exhibitor Management

CE Zoom simplifies exhibitor coordination, offering a centralized hub for communication, logistics, and promotion.


Use strategically placed ads to promote your events, sponsors, and exhibitors. Maximize exposure, boost attendance, and create a buzz around your event with targeted and effective advertising features.

AGD Pace Joint Program Provider

We extend our commitment to education by providing a platform that seamlessly integrates with the AGD Pace Program. Students can efficiently manage and engage with the educational content through our innovative tools and features, ensuring a smooth learning experience.


Streamline the sponsorship process from proposal to fulfillment. Showcase sponsor visibility, track engagement metrics, and provide a seamless experience for sponsors.

Production and Streaming Services

Deliver high-quality content, engage attendees with interactive features, and ensure a smooth virtual experience. CE Zoom transforms the digital landscape, making virtual and hybrid events as impactful as in-person ones.

Course and Conference Scheduling

Effortlessly organize courses and conferences, manage timelines, and keep participants informed. Our platform’s scheduling features ensure a smooth flow, enhancing attendee experience and overall event success.

See the Difference Event Management Software Can Make

In event planning, efficiency is the key to success, and CE Zoom’s event management software for event planning firms stands out as a versatile solution that saves time, optimizes resources, and ensures stress-free events and client satisfaction. The software streamlines workflows from exhibitor management to advertising and sponsorship, offering a strategic ally in planning flawless events. Contact us now and experience how our software can make a difference in your event planning experience.