Join the safe water team as we explore and unpack the microscopic world of water science. We’ll discuss the reality of biofilm in most dental unit waterlines, address the impact poor waterline maintenance has had in the industry, and provide simple, effective solutions to achieve safe water for your office. You’ll walk away feeling confident about your next step and have the knowledge to make meaningful decisions regarding your dental unit water. We pull out all the stops to make this on-demand course unlike any you’ve experienced.
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Course Objectives: |
• Dive into the science behind biofilm and why it is so stubborn and aggressive.
• Know what it takes to be CDC compliant and how to protect your practice.
• Learn the 3-step protocol and how to implement it in your office.
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This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the Academy of General Dentistry Program Approval for Continuing Education (PACE) through the joint program provider approval of CE Zoom and ProEdge Dental Water Labs. CE Zoom is approved for awarding FAGD/MAGD credit.
Course Contact: carlief@proedgedental.com
Course Categories: Infection Control with water line maintenance but without OSHA (infection control must follow the cdc guidelines)
Provider Approval: Nationally Recognized (AGD-PACE) Academy of General Dentistry Program approval for Continuing Education
Educational Type: Self Study
Educational Method: Electronically mediated with a testing mechanism (internet, one-way & two-way transmissions through open broadcast, closed circuit, cable, microwave, broadband lines, fiber optics, satellite, or wireless communications devices)
Prerequisites :
Sponsor(s) : ProEdge Dental Water Labs
All CE Zoom related support: support.cezoom.com
Date / Time
Self Study - On Demand