
After listening to his episode you should be able to discuss the following:

Recognize that diversity involves a variety of factors.  
Understand the importance of listening to the patient.
Recall barriers faced by minority groups.

Identify strategies for effective patient-provider communication.





This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the Academy of General Dentistry Program Approval for Continuing Education (PACE) through the joint program provider approval of CE Zoom, LLC and Tale of Two Hygienists.  CE Zoom, LLC is approved for awarding FAGD/MAGD credit.


Course Contact: ce@ataleoftwohygienists.com

Course Categories: Standards of Practice,Communicable Disease,Clinical Dentistry Subjects That Relate Directly to Patient Care and Clinical Dentistry,Supportive Clinical Dentistry Subjects That Relate to the Support of Patient Care and Clinical Dentistry,Behavioral Sciences (Guidance, Management, Modifications),Patient Relations, Communications, Management,Oral / Health Education & Patient Counseling,Preventative Dental Services,Clinical Application / Techniques / Procedures,Delivery / Treatment of Care / Access to Care,Cultural Matters / Cross-Cultural Communication / Cultural Competency Courses,Dental Public / Community Health, Issues, Care in Non-Traditional Settings,Course Directly Related to the Professions,Cariology (Demineralization / Remineralization) -cause, treatment, &/or prevention

Provider Approval: Nationally Recognized (AGD-PACE) Academy of General Dentistry Program approval for Continuing Education

Educational Type: Self Study

Educational Method: Electronically mediated with a testing mechanism (internet, one-way & two-way transmissions through open broadcast, closed circuit, cable, microwave, broadband lines, fiber optics, satellite, or wireless communications devices)

Prerequisites : none
Sponsor(s): None


All CE Zoom related support: support.cezoom.com

Date / Time

Self Study - On Demand


