Please note your TIME ZONE!This Course is a Live Webinar and will be live-streamed:
1:00 pm ET, 12:00 pm CT, 11:00 am MT, 11:00 am AZ, 10:00 am PT
Course Objectives:
- Understand why waterline maintenance is so important to both you and your patient\'s safety.
- Dive into the science behind biofilm and why it is so stubborn and aggressive.
- Know what it takes to be CDC compliant and how to protect your practice.
- Learn the 3-step protocol and how to implement it in your office.
Course Contact: carlief@proedgedental.com
Course Categories: Infection Control with water line maintenance but without OSHA (infection control must follow the cdc guidelines)
Provider Approval: (AGD) Academy of General Dentistry, Nationally Recognized (AGD-PACE) Academy of General Dentistry Program approval for Continuing Education
Educational Type: Live
Educational Method: Lecture
Prerequisites :
Sponsor(s) : ProEdge Dental Water Labs
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: Affiliated and/or Associated with
Carlie Frampton and Kerry Wall are employees of ProEdge Dental Water Labs.
All CE Zoom related support: support.cezoom.com
Date / Time
Fri, Jun 7, 2024: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM MT