
Please note your TIME ZONE!

This Course is a Live Webinar and will be live-streamed:

7:30 pm ET, 6:30 pm CT, 5:30 pm MT, 5:30 pm AZ, 4:30 pm PT

CDE: 1.5 hours

Overview: The World Health Organization recognizes Odontophobia, the fear of going to the dentist, as a disease that can harm overall health. Odontophobia ranges from mild to severe and includes Dental Fear and Anxiety (DFA), which often develops between ages seven and nine. Children are particularly susceptible to DFA, which can lead to severe oral health issues by causing them to avoid dental care. This avoidance can result in pain and extensive treatment needs, perpetuating a cycle of fear and anxiety. Various factors, such as age, socioeconomic status, and dental visit experiences, can influence DFA. This course will focus on non-pharmacological behavior guidance techniques and appointment strategies to create positive dental experiences for pediatric patients and reduce anxiety.


Recognize the difference between dental fear and anxiety (DFA) and dental phobia.

Discuss the factors that contribute to dental anxiety in pediatric patients.

Identify signs and symptoms of dental anxiety.

Describe the consequences of DFA on oral health and how it acts as a barrier to care.

Implement behavior guidance techniques for positive dental visits with pediatric patients.

Develop effective communication strategies to address and reduced dental anxiety in pediatric patients

Bio: An Chih “Angela” Do, RDH, MEd, MAADH, FADHA, is a national speaker, writer, and media creator with over 18 years of experience in pediatric dentistry. Her expertise includes pediatric dentistry, dental sleep medicine, child abuse and neglect, and Duchenne muscular dystrophy. With her clinical background and experience in film and television, An Chih delivers informative and engaging presentations.

As an immigrant and first-generation student, An Chih is passionate about empowering dental professionals through education. Her dedication to the field has earned her several national honors. She co-founded Dental Hygiene Spark LLC and Spark Study Club and established the Asian American RDH community to support and connect Asian American dental hygienists.

In her leadership roles with the American Dental Hygienists\' Association, An Chih has served as Past President of the Greater Houston Dental Hygienists\' Association, Speaker of the House for the Texas Dental Hygienists\' Association, and as a District IX delegate and member of ADHA\'s 2021-2022 IDEA committee. Outside of her professional life, she is a proud mother of two and wife. Follow her on Instagram @ThePediatricRDH.


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Course Contact: help@cezoom.com

Course Categories: Care and Treatment of Children / Pediatric Care

Provider Approval: Nationally Recognized (AGD-PACE) Academy of General Dentistry Program approval for Continuing Education

Educational Type: Live

Educational Method: Lecture

Prerequisites :


Sponsor(s): None

Conflict of Interest Disclosure: None

All CE Zoom related support: support.cezoom.com

Date / Time

Wed, Oct 9, 2024: 07:30 PM - 09:00 PM ET



